Sabtu, 28 Maret 2015

Tips and Trick Practice Test Toefl

matter on Saturday, March 7th, 2015 by my college teacher , he was Wati Purnamasari , SS teaching methods / tips to test Toefel the easy way , and I will try to repeat / summarize the explanation he gave.

               Tense (noun): a verb-based method used to indicate the time, and sometimes the continuation or  completeness of an action or state in relation to the time speaking. In English there are three basic tenses: present, past and future. Tense consist of complete sentence. Complete sentence consist of subject (S), predicate (P), object (O) and complement (C).For about the structure in Toefel test, the first thing take note / do not define in advance. Make the process of interpreting as a last alternative and please note that in terms of the structure because always be sentence.

Further find that there is a verb in the sentence, following the rules of search :
·         If there is a verb, then no conjunctive
·         If there are two verbs that there is a conjuctive ( remember conjuctive it connects between sentences with sentences )
·         If there are three verbs that there is two conjuctive forth
From the above discussion can be summarized in more detail toefl tricks for taking the test is as follows :
1.  Determine the subject, predicate, and object first.
2.      If the subject long, view the predicate first.
3.      Specify tenses first.
4.      Specify the subject is singular or plural including.

For example:

1.       She     is watching     TV     now
             S             P               O       C

2.       She     is    smart
       S        P        C

# Find the wrong word of the sentence bellow!

1.       Arizona   have   a very dry climate.
       S           P                     C

Is there anything wrong with the sentence above?

The answer is YES. Let’s take a look, ‘Arizona’ is singular, so you must use ‘HAS’ not ‘HAVE’.

CORRECT: Arizona has a very dry climate.

2.      The first steamship to across the Atlantic   were   the Savana   in 1819.The first steamship to across the Atlantic  were  the Savana  in 1819.

                                S                                        P             O                C

Is there anything wrong with the sentence above?

The answer is YES. Let’s take a look, the subject of the sentence is ‘Steamship’ and ‘Steamship’ is singular, so you must use ‘WAS’ not ‘WERE’. And because the sentence is past tense.

CORRECT : The first Steamship to across the Atlantic was the Savana in 1819.

3.       My friend, Haris,   is attending   the meeting.
              S                           P                      C

Is there anything wrong with the sentence above?

The answer is NO. The sentence above is a correct sentence.

4.       Advertising   provide   most of the income for magazine, newspaper, radio, and television in Indonesia today.
          S                  P                                                                           C

Is there anything wrong with the sentence above?

The answer is YES. Let’s take a look. If there’s (Subject + ing) just remember that is will always a singular. In the sentence above, ‘advertising’ is a singular, so the ‘Provide’ should be ‘PROVIDES’.

CORRECT : Advertising provides most of the income for magazine, newspaper, radio, and television in Indonesia today.


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